The effect of periodontal status on the TSH and FT4 levels

Document Type : Original Article


1 harran university dental faculty periodontology department

2 Periodontology Department Of Dental Faculty, Bingöl University


Background: Some bacteria and viruses cause thyroid gland inflammation. Periodontal diseases lead to the production of numerous bacteria in the mouth that spread to other tissues and organs, causing infection in those sites. This investigation's goal was to the correlation between thyroid abnormalities with periodontal disorders.

Methods: The research study was carried out on 96 patients who provided blood samples from the total of 1012 applicants who enrolled to the periodontology clinic. The patients were categorized into 4 categories based on their age: (i) ages ranging 0-20, (ii) ages ranging 21-40, (iii) ages ranging 41–60, and (iv) ages over 61. In addition, they were additionally divided into three groups according to both TSH and FT4 levels: The TSHa and FT4a group included patients with below-normal values, the TSHb and FT4b group included patients with normal TSH and FT4 values, and the TSHc and FT4c group included patients with above-normal TSH and FT4 values. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21. Frequency analysis and the Mann-Whitney U Analyses were utilized for statistical analysis., and the level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: The median TSH and FT4 levels of the patients were 1.98  1.28 mIU/L and 1.19  0.32 mIU/L, in that order there were no significant statistical differences seen in TSH and FT4 levels between genders or age groups. According to their FT4 and TSH levels, 7.3% of the patients had subclinical hypothyroidism and 4.2% had subclinical hyperthyroidism. In total, 11.5% of the patients had thyroid dysfunction.

Conclusion: The results indicated that thyroid dysfunction was present in a remarkably high proportion of patients (11.5%).


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