JOHOE supports the Open Access initiative. Abstracts and full texts (PDF format) of all articles published by johoe are freely accessible to everyone immediately upon publication.
Journal impact factors are a function of how many times manuscripts in a journal are cited by other authors. Obviously, it will take some time for a newly launched journal to have enough manuscripts; so that an impact factor could be calculated. However, there are other factors involved in achieving a high impact factor. One of these is accessibility. Other authors cannot cite your manuscript if they are unaware of it, or cannot find it. A listing of databases, indexes and archives that provide access to JOHOE manuscripts include: PubMed / ISI Web of Knowledge / Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) / Index Medicus (IMEMR) / EBSCOhost / Ulrich Global Serials Directory / International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA) / OCLC Worldcat / Google Scholar / Social Science Research Network (SSRN) / Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) / Scientific Information Database (SID) / Magiran / Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI) and etc.
Submissions are acknowledged promptly by e-mail. All manuscripts submitted to the JOHOE are subject to peer-review process. Authors can expect to wait about one or two months from the date of submission until receiving the journal’s decision. For manuscripts that are selected for revision, the length of time between the revision request and publication will vary widely (from two weeks to two months) depending on various factors, including the extent of revision required, the need for additional review and revision.
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View the current list of the JOHOE’s Editorial Board members in "Journal Info" section.
Authors may submit an unlimited number of articles, provided that all submissions are compatible with our "Guide for Authors".
JOHOE is an open access journal. You can get access to its articles from anywhere in the world without any charge.
JOHOE uses its own style of note formatting. Cited references and explanatory notes should be presented in one section of consecutively numbered endnotes. Additional information on our note style, along with examples, is available on our "Guide for Authors" section.